Network security {introduction}

Network security :- In simple term to secure the network from in real world from Unauthorized access, from malware, from attackers . to provide better secure infrastructure to user in called NS.

 IPsec :- Internet protocol security.

start with new topic:- Network security.
internet  protocol security:-  collection of protocol designed by the IETF{internet engineering task force} to provide security for a packet at the IP level protocol. IPsec not even define the use of any specific encryption or authentication method . instead it provide a frame work and a mechanism .

Security association:- Ip sec require a logical connection between two hots using a signaling  protocol called security association {SA}. Ip sec needs the connectionless ip protocol changed to a connection oriented protocol before security can be applied . As SA connection is a simplex connection are required , once in each direction .As SA connection is Uniquely defined by three elements.

1. A32-bit security parameter index {SPI}, which acts as virtual circuit identifier in connection oriented protocol such as Frame Relay or ATM.

2.The type of the protocol used for security . Authentication header and Encapsulating security payload.

3.The security IP Address.
Two security protocol in IPsec
1. Authentication Header
2.Encapsulation security payload.

Authentication Header:-  The Authentication header AH protocol is designed to authenticate the source host and to ensure the integrity of the payload carried by Ip packet, The protocol calculate a message digest, using  a hashing function and a symmetric key and insert and digest in authentication header .The AH is put in the appropriate location based on the mode transport or tunnel.

1. An authenticate header is added to the payload with the authenticated date fields set to zero.

2.padding  has to chance  added to make the total length even for a particular hashing algorithm.

3.The authenticate data are include in the authentication header .

 Encapsulation security payload {ESP}:-   The AH protocol does not provide privacy , only message authenticate and integrity . IPsec later define an alternative protocol that provide message authentication and integrity and privacy called encapsulation security payload . ESP adds a header and trailer.

The ESP procedure follows these steps:

1.An ESP trailer is added  to the payload.
2.the payload and the trailer are encrypted .
3.The ESP header is added
4. The Encapsulation header , payload and Encapsulation trailer are used to create the authentication data.

Tomorrow we start with IP.
Network Security

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