How to earn money online

 A short introduction about blog for new user or for beginners .

Common question what is *blog .

in simple term blog is a place over internet ,website where person writes regularly about topic that expressed his/her feelings , knowledge in written form and add with pics  and links to other page they find interacting. 

most trending question on internet how to earn money from blogging .

if you are able to write good content , topics about some information ,current events, etc. people are interacted with your page and visit regular to learn something new on your page, website or blog. after that with the help of Adsence you can earn money from  your blog or website.

Note:- good content makes you highlight and popular in crowd and slowly slowly your dream comes true.

Requirement:-  any smartphone, laptop, pc, etc. 

you need a google account or if you don't have go and sign up with g-mail.

when you get your Email . Search on google for blogger .

And start your dream journey .

with create your first blog page.

create blog

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