Image Enhancement in Digital image processing

 Image Enhancement :   image enhancement is the process on image so that the  result is more suitable then the original image for a specific application.

these are two categories of image enhancement :-

1) Spatial Domain

2)frequency Domain 

Spatial Domain :- spatial domain technique operate directly on the pixel of the image as imposed spatial process can be denoted by Expression 

g(x,y) . T[f(x,y)] 

where f(x,y) is the input of the image 

g(x,y) is the output of the image .

T is an operator on 'f define over neighborhood  of point {x,y} the operator can apply to a single image or to a set of image origin.

the given diagram show the basic implementation of equation 1 to 0 single image ,
the point[x,y] is as location in the image &  the small region show containing the point is a neighborhood  is rectangular centered on {x,y}.
it consist of moving the origin from pixel to pixel & applying the operator "T to the pixel in the neighborhood to get the output at that location .
these for any specific location {x,y} the value of output image 'g as these co-ordinate is equal
to the result of applying "T" operator to the neighborhood with origin at (x,y) in "f".


 it refer to an image after apply Fourier transformation such as DFT {Discrete Fourier transformation}  or DCE method that relate to modify Fourier transformation 
of or image spatial filtering in which the neighborhood along with pre-defined operation is called spatial mask, kernel , template or window in frequency domain.

The smallest possible neighborhood is of size 1x1 in this case ;g; depends only on the value of {f}
at single point (x,y) and (T) is become transformation function s = T(r).

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